By, smartwatches 27/01/2023

Orlando Bloom, who played Prince Henry, talked about the anime "The PRINCE" that ridiculed the British royal family.

HBO Maxで先週から配信が始まったアニメ「The Prince(原題)」。ジョージ王子を主人公にロイヤルファミリーを揶揄った作品で、制作したのはドラマ「ふたりは友達? ウィル&グレイス」などのプロデューサーで知られるゲイリー・ジャネッティ。ヘンリー王子の声をオーランド・ブルーム、シャーロット王女をソフィー・ターナー、チャールズ皇太子をダン・スティーブンスが務めている。ちなみにジョージ王子の声はジャネッティ。

Samir HusseinGetty Images

Although the work has been attracting attention since the production was announced, the trailer was released last week, and when the distribution began, complaints flooded SNS, saying that it was "full of malice."Even if you look at the trailer alone, the extreme degree is clear.Queen Elizabeth said, "The Queen wants a snack!

ヘンリー王子を演じたオーランド・ブルーム、英国王室を揶揄するアニメ「The Prince」について語っていた「悪意はない」

Meanwhile, Orlando Bloom, who played the voice of Prince Henry, has been discovered by the past interview that was talking about this anime.In August 2020, in the magazine "Hollywood Reporter", "I have no malice in Janetti, I didn't make it with that intention."I was commenting.

Olly also revealed that he was at a loss to appear in this work."When this story came, I thought," What should I do? "I'm a British boy who is proud of my roots. Some people are loved by some people, one.I know that the people in the club are hated. I don't usually want to get rid of people, but I decided to appear because they are smart and witty and affection."In fact, Katie looked at the work (in the middle of the production) and said," This should be done. It's a great work. "He said that his partner Katie Perry also had the recommendation.

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Courtesy of HBO MAX VIA YouTube

At that time, it is believed that these remarks did not attract much attention because no one imagined that this anime was a tremendous content so far.By the way, Olly lives in Santa Barbara as Prince Henry.It is a relationship that shares information for paparazzi measures.I want to know what Prince Henry thinks about this anime.

This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Related Storyヘンリー王子、オーランド・ブルームと友達に!