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Neural circuits are potential statistics | RIKEN


January 14, 2022


-For any neural circuit is following the free energy principle-

RIKEN(理研)脳神経科学研究センターの磯村拓哉ユニットリーダーらのInternational joint research groupは、どのような神経回路も「自由エネルギー原理[1]」と呼ばれる近年注目される脳理論に従っており、潜在的に統計学的な推論[2]を行っていることを数理解析により明らかにしました。

The results of this research promote the understanding of the nerve base of the free energy principle, contributing to the development of brain -shaped computer and artificial intelligence that learns like humans in the future, as well as the development of brain -shaped computer and artificial intelligence that learns like humans.I can expect it.


今回、International joint research groupは、神経活動の方程式から神経生理学的に妥当なコスト関数[4]を逆算し、それが自由エネルギー原理のコスト関数と同一であることを数理的に示しました。これは、どのような神経回路も自由エネルギー原理に従っていると見なせることを意味します。つまり、神経細胞やシナプス結合という基本単位のレベルにおいても、統計学者が行うように観測データから背後の原因を推論することを自律的に行っていることが分かりました。

This study will be published in the online version of the scientific magazine "Communications Biology" (January 14: January 14, Japan time).



However, in previous studies, these two positions have developed independently, and the exact relationship between the two approaches has been understood.Therefore, in this study, we considered a way to connect the "free energy principle", which has been particularly noted as the information theory of brain in recent years, and to connect the equations of general nerve cells and synaptes that have been studied for a long time.


Fig. 1 Conceptual diagram of the free energy principle

Here, it is considered that the outside world (owner) will generate a sensory input from a hidden state variable (hidden state) according to the generated model.Agents (dogs) perform active inferrology by updating hidden status and parameters expectations and behaviors to minimize free energy.The conceptual diagram is ISOMURA, Neurosci.Res., Modified from 2022.

In fact, it is a well -known fact that agents that minimize free energy can perform Bayes inference and learning.However, whether it is biological correct as a brain mechanism is a completely different matter.At the level of nerve cells and synaptic bonds, which are the basic units of the brain, it is not clear how the free energy principle is implemented and what the nerve base is.

On the other hand, there is a theory of neuroscience where the response to the nerve infrastructure has been more established.For example, it is widely accepted that the brain itself is complicated and difficult, but the equation of nerve cells and synaptes can explain the actual physiological phenomena well.However, it is not fully known how these phenomena form brain functions.In order to solve these problems, this study aimed to mathematically show the validity of the free energy principle by filling the gap between the information theory interpretation and the nerve cells and synaptic level phenomena.。

Research methods and results

まず、神経活動を表す微分方程式を定義します(図2左上)。多くの研究分野において、研究対象のダイナミクスは何らかの関数の勾配(すなわち微分)で説明できます。そこでInternational joint research groupは、「神経細胞やシナプスの方程式は、神経回路にとって生理学的に妥当な何らかのコスト関数の微分によって導かれる」と考えました。すると、神経活動の式を積分することにより、元のコスト関数を逆算し再構築できました(図2中央)。この方法を「リバースエンジニアリング」といいます。面白いことに、この得られたコスト関数を今度はシナプスについて微分すると、ヘッブ型シナプス可塑性[8]の式が導かれます(図2右上)。従って、このコスト関数が神経生理学的に妥当であることが確認できました。


Figure 2 Conceptual diagram of reverse engineering


In other words, this means that any neural circuit (which minimizes some cost functions) can be regarded as accompanying the free energy principle, and supports the validity of the free energy principle.At the level of the basic unit of nerve cells and synaptic bonds, Bayes inference is autonomously performed from the observation data as performed by statistical scholars, and imitating the outside world is the nerve circuit.It turned out that it was a universal characteristics (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 The conceptual diagram of the dynamics and the Bayes reasoning of the neural circuit

The left figure shows that the neural circuit that received the sensory input from the outside world generates an internal dynamics and feedback to the outside world as a behavior.This process can be formulated as Bayes inference as shown on the right.


Figure 4 Agents to solve maze issues and their neural circuits

The agent with the nerve circuit shown on the left can solve the maze task as shown in the figure on the right.Here, the agent observes the surrounding 11x11 squares and moves to some squares up, down, left and right.With a delayed head -type synaptic modification, the agent's nerve circuit is autonomously learned how to reach the goal (right end).

Future expectations

By using the theory proposed by this study, it is possible to reconstruct the free energy of the neural circuit from the experimental data, and predict the subsequent learning process and its modulation.In the paper, using the simulation of maze tasks, the learning process when solving a new maze can be theoretically predicted without relying on activity data.In the future development, we plan to examine free energy principles experimental by comparing the actual neurological activity data and the theory prediction.

This study is very important to explain brain activity, deepen the understanding of neuropsychology and mental illness, and can have a great social impact.For example, the reason why a certain individual cannot properly handle tasks given or cannot adapt to the environment is due to the fact that the value of the circuit element (eg, a fire threshold) that expresses the beliefs about external conditions is not appropriate.It is commonly linked to the impact of the nerve infrastructure and the action.This is related to hallucinations and delusions found in schizophrenia.In the future, it is conceivable to identify the nerve infrastructure that is the target for early diagnosis and treatment of mental illness and apply the results of this research as a guideline for applying appropriate operations.


supplementary explanation

International joint research group

RIKEN 脳神経科学研究センター 脳型知能理論研究ユニットユニットリーダー 磯村 拓哉(いそむら たくや)

Hokkaido University Human knowledge / Brain / AI Research Education Center (Chain) Special Associate Professor Hideaki Shimazaki

Professor Karl J. Friston (KARL J (KARL J) Professor College College London Welcome Center.Friston)

Research support

This study was provided by the support of the Natural Science Research Organization (NINS) fusion research project "Brain Free Energy Principles: Implementation and Verification (Research Representative: Hideaki Shimazaki, 01112005, 011112102)".

Original Society Information


RIKEN 脳神経科学研究センター 脳型知能理論研究ユニットユニットリーダー 磯村 拓哉(いそむら たくや)

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