Azoop, which operates the "Trackers" series of platforms for the transportation...
As the fourth carrier, Rakuten Mobile entered the mobile carrier business (MNO)...
AsiaNet 94662 • Bassim Haidar, Founder and Chairman of Optasia, announces plans...
ahamo is a new rate plan released by DoCoMo in March 2021. A set of 20GB of mon...
Instagram will begin an initiative on July 13 (US time) to display a "security...
FreeBit, known as the parent company of the Internet provider "DTI", will launc...
On November 16th, Balmuda announced the 5G smartphone "BALMUDA Phone". Mr. Tera...
Delivery 9 Comments 9 The models sold several years ago have been redeveloped a...
Delivery 271 Comments 271 The Xperia Ace II released by DoCoMo received a reaso...
Counterpoint Technology Market Research Limited Counterpoint Technology Market R...
New styles required for smartphones Over the past decade, various smartphones h...
As previously reported, the 7th installment of the new feature "Pixel feature dr...
Okta Japan Co., Ltd. Okta Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Pres...
"Wi-Fi Calling" is a function to make calls and send / receive SMS using Wi-Fi....