NHK, it is necessary to submit a phone number and email address at the time of receiving contracts from April --Itmedia News
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced on February 2 that it will approve the change in the Japan Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting Corporation, which has been applied from NHK.According to the New Terms of Reception, NHK asks the receiving contractor to submit a phone number and e -mail address.The enforcement date is April 1st.
In the new receiving terms, articles have been added to Article 3 "Submission of Broadcasting Reception Agreement" and Article 8 "Change Name, Address, etc."
In Article 3, paragraph 5 of the newly established, it stipulates that "the person who has installed the receiver shall notify the telephone number and e -mail address used in the specified method when submitting a broadcast receiving agreement."
Article 8, paragraph (3) added a provision that "If the broadcast receiving contractor changes the telephone number or e -mail address reported to the broadcasting station, it shall notify the broadcasting station without delay."。
第8条3項According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the company utilizes notifications and procedures regarding reception fees and proceedings using the Internet, etc., so that the company aims to reduce the convenience of the contractor and reduce costs due to work efficiency.
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