By, smartwatches 07/12/2022

Price -Amazon Connect | AWS

Amazon Connect Voice has two rates, speech service and telephony.

The usage fee for the audio service is charged in 1 second (at least 10 seconds).The amount of calling calls of the Amazon Connect Voice service and the manual calling call dialed from the CCP (contact control panel) is determined by the number of seconds the end customer is connected to the service.The use of calling call audio started by calling the StartboUNDVOICONTACT API, or the use of high volumes calling audio is claimed in one second (at least 10 seconds) from the time when the contact is started.

Telephony charges are charged on a daily basis using the direct dial -in (DID) and toll -free telephone numbers provided by Amazon Connect and more than 20 countries around the world.Receive calls are charged every second (at least 60 seconds).In addition, more than 200 calling destinations are prepared, and each exchange is charged in seconds (at least 60 seconds).To check the regional charges, see the following table.Taxes, additional charges and fees may be applied.

When scheduling and managing high volumes to communicate with high volumes using uploaded contactlists, the monthly target device (MTA) fee (MTA) fee (MTA) for processing a telephone number called the endpoint that attempts to contact customers.Uploading your address does not cost you) and pays the cost related to the use of the channel.MTA is defined as a unique phone number processed for one month*.

受信通話の料金例 欧州 (フランクフルト) リージョンで、エンドカスタマーが Amazon Connect のドイツ直通ダイヤル (DID) 番号を使用して電話をかけ、エージェントが Amazon Connect ソフトフォンを使用して応答します。通話は 7 分間続きます。

Three types of rates apply to this call.1.A service usage fee for Amazon Connect will be charged according to the end customer call time.0 per minute.018 USD * 7 minutes = 0.126 USD 2.Using the German DID number, a daily fee will be charged.0 per day.10 USD * 1 day = 0.10 USD 3.In addition, the German DID number charges a per -minute call fee.0 per minute.0040 USD * 7 minutes = 0.0280 USD

The total of this call is 0.25 USD (taxes, commissions and additional charges may apply).

料金 - Amazon Connect | AWS

ハイボリューム発信通話の料金例 米国東部 (バージニア北部) にある Amazon Connect コンタクトセンターでは、利用規約の変更をすべての顧客に通知したいと考えています。この通知は、生身の人間が電話に出たか、留守番電話が出たかに関わらず、事前に録音されたメッセージを流します。全コンタクトの試行のうち 25% は、生身の顧客または留守番電話につながり、1 回のコンタクトは 30 秒続きます。ハイボリューム発信通話コミュニケーションを使用したこのコミュニケーションの請求額は、米国東部 (バージニア北部) では月末に以下のように計算されます。

If it is targeted for 10,000 monthly endpoints per month for monthly devices (MTA), 1,000 endpoints after the first 5,000 endpoints..20 USD cost = 6.00 USD.

Voice service fee Contact Contact number of trials = 10,000 connection rates 25%, number of calls with recorded messages = 2,500 calling time is 30 seconds, connected calling audio service usage number = 30.A second x 2,500 messages = 1,250 minutes connected to the connected call to the total use of voice service usage to the Amazon Connect Free Use Frame per month= 1,160 minutes each contact trial is charged for at least 10 seconds, so the audio service usage in the event of a contact trial = 7,500 * 10/60 = 1,250 minutes Notification Campaign Total voice service fee = (1,160 minutes + 1,250 minutes)* 0.025 USD/minute = 55.43 USD

Telephony Fee Using a free call number in the United States to make these calls, assuming that all calls have been completed in one day.0 USD for the first 12 months for the first 12 months when using a free call number in the United States.After that, 0 per day.06 USD.Total quantity of connected calls = voice mail or 2,500 calls connected to a living customer × 30 seconds = 1,250 minutes connected calling call charges 30 minutes per month free use frame -free use telephone usage.Deducted amount = calling fee 0 per minute.0048 USD * (Connected calls 1,250 minutes -free usage frame 30 minutes) = 5.86 USD

The billing amount for this month is 67.29 USD, PinPoint MTA fee 6 for processing endpoints in PinPoint wrist orchestration..00 USD, Connect voice service usage fee 55.43 USD, Connect Telephony Fee 5.86 USD includes complete use of free usage frames.

In addition, you can use the Amazon Connect's high volumes call call communication to approach customers using SMS and emails in addition to voice calls using the same contact list.SMS and email messages are sent through Amazon PinPoint and the corresponding fee is applied.Click here for details

* The monthly target device (MTA) fee is charged through Amazon Pinpoint.In high volumes calling call communication, the contact list is managed using the Amazon PinPoint list orchestration function.