Can card loans be borrowed without screening?Points to pass the card loan screening | Wealth Bridge
To get a loan with a card loan, you have to pass the examination.But why do card loans need to be screened?In this article, we will explain why card loans are required and points for passing the screening.
Card loans cannot be used without screening
Can I use card loans without screening?
that's right.Card loans cannot be used without screening.
To use card loans and credit cards, you must be reviewed by loan and card companies.The screening is to prevent the debtor's excess debt, and is stipulated by the Loan Loan Act.
The purpose of the examination is to investigate repayment capabilities and loans that can be used, based on the reliability and annual income of the card loan applicant.Remember that no matter how much you want to use, when you use a card loan or the like, you will always have a screening.
The screening is performed in advance whether the card loan applicant has the ability to return money.
If the money lent a lot does not come back forever, the card loan company will be forced to go bankrupt.In order to operate a card loan healthy, it is essential to check the applicant's repayment ability and will.
For this reason, the screening is an essential procedure to establish a card loan.
Card loan screening is also required to determine the limit of the card loan.Financial institutions that handle card loans, etc. are stipulated by the Money Lending Business Law that they must not make a loan exceeding the total amount regulation.
The total amount regulation is the upper limit of money that the debtor specified by the Money Lending Business Law is borrowed.It is stipulated that we should not lend more than 3 minutes and 1 of the debtor's annual income.The total amount regulation is for the so -called consumer finance, card company and credit company borrowing.
If you can borrow money endlessly with a card loan, some debtors borrow more than the repayment ability.The debtor cannot live if all income is lost to loan repayment.To prevent this, total volume regulations were provided.
This is why the card loan has a limit.The screening is annoying for the borrower, but be sure to know that it has the purpose of protecting users.
Unemployed does not pass the card loan screening
When I knew the meaning of the screening, I felt like I couldn't go to a card loan without employment.Is it difficult to pass the screening if you are unemployed?
Lending money to those who do not have income is illegal, so it does not pass.In rare cases, a full -time housewife (husband) may pass, but it is difficult.
In the examination, we will check the ability to return money.Therefore, if you know that there is no income from the repayment, the examination will not pass.The examination is based on the law and cannot lend money to those who have no repayment.This includes students and full -time housewives who work for work that does not generate salaries such as academic or housework.
However, in fact, unemployed or full -time housewives may be able to screen consumer finance, including card loans.It seems that there are some consumer finance if you can judge in the screening that even unemployed or full -time housewives have some continuous income.
However, it will be much more difficult than those who earn stable income.If you want to pass the card loan screening, we recommend that you apply for a stable income even for a small amount.
Main examination items for card loans
Please tell me the card loan screening item.
Card loan screening items are not disclosed to maintain fairness in the examination.However, it is thought that the screening is mainly conducted mainly for three items.
Consumer finance companies do not clarify the examination items.If the details of the screening are found, those who should not be able to pass the examination may temporarily pass the screening with the conditions.It is considered that the judging criteria have not been clarified to prevent such a situation.
However, it is speculated that the following three screening items are provided from the purpose of the examination and the prepared documents.I will explain the contents of each.
As described earlier, the examination will check the repayment ability, but the repayment ability will be investigated not only from income but also from other items.
One of them is "attribute".The details of the confirmation items are different for each company, but it is thought that both are paying attention to "whether you can finish the loan stably".Keep in mind that even if you are currently earning a stable income, if you judge that there is an uneasy factor in other factors, it may fall in the screening.
It is not only attributes that are checked in the screening."Credit information" is also subject to check."Credit information" is the content of past loans and repayment information.
If you have used a card loan or cashing in the past, if you have a record of financial accidents such as delays or self -bankruptcy, it is very likely that you will be dropped in the screening.Credit information is recorded in the specified credit bureau and can be confirmed for a fee.
There are multiple credit information agencies, and the types of managed information and registration period vary depending on the credit agency, but information remains for 1 to 10 years.If a credit card or card loan has been delayed, delayed, or forced to cancel, you should use a different way from a card loan.
In addition, you will be checked if there is no borrowing or borrowing with credit card or card loan.The total amount regulation is the total amount of the borrowing balance of all credit card card loans.If other companies are borrowing until the limit, the examination will not pass.
In addition, even if the limit is enough, if there is a borrowed other company, the screening may be severe.If repayments at other companies remain, the repayment burden will be greater than if you use it for the first time.The greater the repayment burden, the less likely it will be to return, so the consumer finance side will feel a sense of crisis.It can be said that those who do not borrow other companies will be easier to pass the screening.
If you want to use a card loan, be sure to check not only attributes and credit information but also the current borrowing.
Seven points to pass the card loan screening
Are there any points to pass the card loan screening?
In order to pass the screening, you will have to prove that you have repayment ability with screening criteria and credit information.Let's check if you can clear the items described earlier.
In order to pass the card loan screening, you will need to clear multiple factors, such as the appropriate attribute, credit information, and borrowing amount.Let's hold down the points for passing the card loan screening.
The attribute is confirmed in the examination.There are many attributes that can be examined by screening criteria, but all are necessary to check if the loan can be repaid stably.
For example, some of the attributes that are confirmed include "age" and "years of service at work", but this will not reach the retirement age before the end of the loan.We are checking whether we can earn income.Look at your attributes objectively to see if you can continue your loan repayment without any problems.
The attributes and standards checked in the examination are not disclosed.However, it is considered that the following attributes are mainly confirmed.
[Attributes that may be checked at the time of judging]
属性 | 調べられる可能性のある内容 |
年齢 | ・ローン会社の利用条件に合致しているか・20歳未満や高齢者など、返済能力に問題がありそうな年齢ではないか |
年収 | ・返済できるだけの十分な年収か |
勤務地 | ・実在している会社か・安定した収入につながっているか |
職業や雇用形態 | ・安定した収入がある仕事に就いているか |
収入形態 | ・安定した収入につながっているか |
居住形態や年数 | ・持ち家か賃貸か(持ち家や家賃負担の少ない賃貸居住者を評価する場合がある)・居住年数はどれくらいか |
住宅ローンや家賃の負担額 | ・住宅ローンや家賃が返済に影響を与えないか |
資産状況 | ・収入以外に支払いに充てられる資産がないか |
家族構成 | ・申し込み者が返済できない場合に代わりに支払いができる家族がいるか |
電話の種類 | ・固定電話か携帯電話か |
In addition, the attributes related to stable repayments will be checked in detail.Before applying for a card loan, make sure that there is an attribute that gives a negative impression to your repayment ability.
When applying for a card loan, apply for the minimum borrowing amount.Specifically, apply with a amount that does not exceed the "amount of one -third of the annual income" determined by the total amount regulation.
The limit of the amount you can borrow with a card loan is determined according to your income.If you wish to exceed the limit, you will not be able to pass the examination.When applying for a card loan, pay attention not only to your repayment ability but also to borrow.
In order to pass the examination, it is also important that credit information does not record delays, delinquency, or bankruptcy.If you cannot keep the default repayment date or repayment amount, the credit information will be recorded.
As you can see from the content, all of them are clarified that there is a problem with repayment skills.If these records are in the credit information, the passage will be quite strict.When using a card loan, make sure there is no problem with your credit information.
There are multiple credit information agencies that manage credit information.The credit information agency manages and confirms credit information.It is important to note that the information management period of financial accidents differs depending on the management organization.
Any institution can check your credit information for a fee.If you want to know your credit information, contact each organization.If you have credit information that can be a negative element, we recommend that you use money in a different way from a card loan.
The registration period differs depending on the content of the credit information.The following is a table that summarizes the information storage period for each credit information agency.
内容 | JICC | CIC | KSC |
61日以上の延滞 | 1年 | 5年 | |
3ヵ月以上の連続延滞 | 5年 | ||
債務整理(任意整理・特定調停など) | 5年 | ||
自己破産 | 5年 | 7年 | 10年 |
強制解約 | 5年 | 記載なし | 5年 |
代位弁済 | 5年 | 5年 |
Even if you have been delinquent or bankruptcy in the past, registration will be deleted in up to 10 years.If the registration has disappeared, there is no problem applying for a card loan.If there is a problem with credit information, please refrain from applying for a card loan until the information record disappears.
False declarations can be a major cause of the failure.Please declare accurately when applying.
The declared information will always be confirmed by the examination.It is natural not to file a false declaration, but do not declare an unusual information.Even if the information is mistaken and the information is wrong, it may be considered that there is a problem with the repayment ability and it may cause the examination.Be sure to check the information you need to apply and make it accurate.
If you summarize the information you need to apply, you can process it smoothly.When applying, prepare documents and memos that summarize the necessary information first.
If there is a borrowing of another company, pay off before applying.If there is already a lot of borrowing from other companies, further borrowing will be a burden at the time of repayment.It is more likely that the screening will be severe.
In addition, the total amount regulation is for all loans based on the Money Lending Business Law.Even within the total amount regulation, if the borrowing amount of other companies exceeds the amount of the desired card loan, it will not pass the examination.If you are already using a loan product, including a card loan, be aware of repayment.
The repayment results are very effective information to proceed with the screening.It is desirable to pay off, but even if it is not paid, the repayment should not be delayed.If the borrowed balance is small, the screening may be advantageous.
On the official website of the card loan company, there may be preliminary examinations and simple judgments.
It is a function to judge whether to pass the screening from items such as age and income.It is often set up on the official card loan company website, so you can judge whether it will pass the screening before applying for a loan.The content is rough to judge the items that are less than the normal screening, but it is useful as a simple judgment for borrowing.
If a pre -screening is determined to be difficult to borrow, it may be due to the poor balance between the borrowing amount and income.The pre -screening itself can be done as many times as you want, so let's check the amount that can be borrowed while adjusting the desired amount.
If you apply again as soon as you fall into the examination, the card loan company will judge you as "a person who is quite in trouble with money."If you are judged to be a person who is in trouble with money, there is no point in preparing information that is advantageous for the screening.When using a card loan, decide whether to pass the screening in advance in the preliminary examination before applying.
The act of contacting the declared workplace and finding out whether the applicant is really enrolled at that place is called "confirmation of enrollment."The enrollment confirmation is mainly made by telephone call to the place of work.
The enrollment confirmation is often confirmed by calling by personal name based on the work information presented by the applicant, but depending on the occupation or work, it may be difficult to answer the enrollment confirmation.。If it is difficult to receive a phone call for enrollment, be sure to consult before applying.
If you tell us that it is difficult to confirm your enrollment over the phone, some card loan companies will respond by submitting documents.Some card loan companies may specify on the official website that they are checking their enrollment in documents, so be sure to check in advance.
The card loan company always has a call center for application and repayment.If you are concerned about the enrollment confirmation, but are worried about the screening or repayment, please consult the call center.
Recommended consumer finance / borrower list
Please tell me a card loan company that is easy to pass!
Since the screening criteria have not been disclosed, it is not unconditional that it is easy to pass or fall.Nevertheless, major card loan companies and bank card loans have many users, and many people have passed the screening.The point is to choose a loan company that is easy to use because each character is different.
名称 | プロミス | アイフル | アコム | レイクALSA | SMBCモビット | 三井住友カード カードローン | au PAYスマートローン | オリックス・クレジット |
画像 | ||||||||
融資スピード(最短) | 最短1時間 | 最短25分 | 最短30分 | 最短60分 | 最短即日 | 最短即日※1 | 最短即日 | 最短即日 |
審査期間 | 最短30分 | 最短25分 | 最短30分 | 最短15秒 | 最短10秒簡易審査 | 最短即日※1 | 最短30分 | 最短60分 |
WEB完結 | 融資まで | 融資まで | 融資まで | 融資まで | 融資まで | 融資まで | 融資まで | 融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | 4.5-17.8% | 3.0~18.0% | 3.0~18.0% | 4.5~18.0% | 3.0~18.0% | 1.5~15.0% | 2.9~18.0% | 1.7~17.8% |
無利息期間 | 30日 | 30日 | 30日 | 最大180日(借入額の内5万円まで、それ以外は60日) | なし | キャンペーン利用で最大3ヵ月 | なし | なし |
借入限度額 | 最大500万円 | 最大800万円 | 最大800万円 | 最大500万円 | 最大800万円※2 | 最大900万円~最低10万円 | 最大100万円 | 最大800万円 |
取引手数料 | 不要 | 不要 | 不要 | 不要 | 不要 | 不要 | 不要 | 不要 |
借入方法 | ・指定口座振込・プロミスATM・提携ATM・三井住友銀行ATM | ・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・提携ATM | ・インターネット・コンビニ・アコム店頭窓口・アコムATM・振込・ショッピングセンター | ・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・新生銀行カードローンATM・提携ATM | ・振込キャッシング・提携ATM | ・指定口座振込・振込キャッシング・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・みずほ銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携ATM | ・登録口座振込・au PAY残高チャージ・セブン銀行スマホATM | ・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・イオン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・三井住友銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携銀行ATM |
返済方法 | ・インターネット返済・口座振込・店頭窓口・プロミスATM・コンビニ | ・振込・口座振替・提携ATM・アイフルATM・コンビニ | ・インターネット・アコムATM・提携ATM・店頭窓口・口座引き落とし | ・新生銀行カードローンATM・指定口座引き落とし・提携ATM・銀行振込 | ・口座振替・提携ATM・銀行振込・インターネット返済 | ・口座自動引き落とし・WEB返済・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・みずほ銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携ATM | ・指定口座引落・指定口座振込・セブン銀行スマホATM | ・指定口座引き落とし・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・イオン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・三井住友銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携銀行ATM・WEB返済 |
* 1 It may vary depending on the confirmation of the application and the submission of identification documents after the application is completed.* 2 If it is the first time, the normal interest rate is applied after the first contract from the day after the first contract.Interest for 30 days, 60 days no interest, 180 days -free combined use.If the contract amount is over 2 million, you will only have interest -free for 30 days.180 -day interest -free is up to 1 to 2 million yen for contract amount.* Data is quoted from each company's official website
(画像=プロミス公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・最短1時間 |
審査期間 | ・最短30分 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・4.5-17.8% |
無利息期間 | ・30日 |
借入限度額 | ・最大500万円 |
取引手数料 | ・不要 |
借入方法 | ・指定口座振込・プロミスATM・提携ATM・三井住友銀行ATM |
返済方法 | ・インターネット返済・口座振替・店頭窓口・プロミスATM・コンビニ |
* Data is quoted from Promise official website
It features a low borrowed interest rate among major consumer finance card loans.Real annual rate 4.5-17.It can be said that it is an easy -to -use card loan with a low interest rate of 8 %.
Promise has a smartphone app and can borrow and repay with cardless.There is no need to mail the documents because you can make a loan and repayment on the web, and there is no need to worry about receiving mail.Even those who do not want to know that they are using a card loan can be used with confidence.
There are several types of ATMs that can be used for borrowing and repayment, so it is easy to use for borrowing and repayment.There are multiple repayment methods in Promise, but no fees are charged at the time of repayment.It is a card loan that can be used systematically because it is easy to repay.
Promise is limited to the borrower for the first time, and provides a service that allows you to receive loans without interest for 30 days ( * 1).If you need money for a short period of time, you can use it at a great deal without having to pay interest by using promises.If you want to use a card loan for a short period of time or are looking for a card loan that can be used easily, use Promise.* 1 It is necessary to register 1 e -mail address and registration of the web statement.
プロミスのお申し込みはこちら(画像=アイフル公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・最短25分 |
審査期間 | ・最短25分 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・3.0~18.0% |
無利息期間 | ・30日 |
借入限度額 | ・800万円 |
取引手数料 | ・不要 |
借入方法 | ・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・提携ATM |
返済方法 | ・振込・口座振替・提携ATM・アイフルATM・コンビニ |
* Data is quoted from the AIFUL official website
Aiful is characterized by a minimum of 25 minutes for the examination period.If it is 9 to 21:00, which is the time of Aiful's examination, you will be notified of the screening results within 30 minutes.It is possible to judge on weekends and holidays at the same time, so you can use it with confidence if you need money on holidays.
If you consult Aiful in advance, you can confirm your enrollment in the specified documents.If you are in trouble when you receive a phone call for enrollment, you can use it with confidence.
Like Promise, AIFUL can use a smartphone on the web, from application to loan.There is no need to mail.
On the other hand, face -to -face contracts at stores are also possible.It is recommended for those who use card loans for the first time because they can apply for a loan explanation or consultation from the staff.However, please note that the store has a fixed business hours.
Women -only toll -free dials are also available, and dedicated lady slones are also available.
Aiful is a card loan company that is easy to consult with a polite response to users.
アイフルのお申し込みはこちら(画像=アコム公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・最短30分 |
審査期間 | ・最短30分 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・3.0~18.0% |
無利息期間 | ・30日 |
借入限度額 | ・最大800万円 |
取引手数料 | ・不要 |
借入方法 | ・インターネット・コンビニ・アコム店頭窓口・アコムATM・振込・ショッピングセンター |
返済方法 | ・インターネット・アコムATM・提携ATM・店頭窓口・口座引き落とし |
* Data is quoted from the ACOM official website
Acom has a "3 -second diagnosis" that allows you to immediately judge if you can borrow by answering three questions.It is easy to use because you can easily judge whether you can borrow.There are multiple applications.
If you apply other than mail, you can get a loan on the same day.There are multiple repayment methods and there are many affiliated ATMs, so you can repay anytime, anywhere.Acom has about 900 in -house ATMs nationwide.It is a nice advantage that you can easily repay even if you do not have time.
Regarding telephone calls for enrollment, there is the following description on the official website.
In addition, there is also a statement that "If you have any concerns or concerns due to individual circumstances, please consult Acom Call Center."
In addition, ACOM offers a service that can be borrowed in the shortest 1 minute reception for 24 hours, only for those who have an account of Rakuten Bank.There is also a 30 -day interest -free service, so if you have an account of Rakuten Bank, it is a card loan company you would definitely recommend.
アコムのお申し込みはこちら(画像=レイクALSA公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・最短即日融資 |
審査期間 | ・最短15秒 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・4.5~18.0% |
無利息期間 | ・最大180日(借入額の内5万円まで、それ以外は60日)※ |
借入限度額 | 最大500万円 |
取引手数料 | 不要 |
借入方法 | ・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・新生銀行カードローンATM・提携ATM |
返済方法 | ・新生銀行カードローンATM・指定口座引き落とし・提携ATM・銀行振込 |
* If it is the first time, interest from the day after the first contract.* Normally, the interest rate is applied after the interest -free period.* Interest -free for 30 days, 60 days -free, 180 days -free use.* If the contract amount is over 2 million, it will only have interest -free for 30 days.* You can apply on the web and the contract amount is 10 to 2 million yen.* If you apply outside of the web, you cannot choose interest -free for 60 days.* Up to 1 to 2 million yen for contracts.
* Data is quoted from Lake ALSA official website
If you use the interest -free period service, you can use up to 180 days without borrowing within 50,000 yen from the day after the first contract.This is a service that other card loan companies do not have.However, please note that there are conditions for the interest period and the target amount.
If you use the interest -free period service, you can use it for a small amount of money.The interest rate is a bit higher than other card loan companies, but if you can use this interest -free service, you will not be very concerned.If you want to borrow a small amount with a card loan and return it little by little, or if you value planned repayment, Lake ALSA is useful.
If you have a web contract without mail, you can judge in a minimum of 15 seconds.We are accepting a loan 24 hours a day, but if you want to receive the shortest screening, if it is between 8:10 and 21:50 (the third Sunday of every month, 8:10 to 19:00), immediately after applying.You can check the results of the examination.
Because there is a smartphone app and can be used in cardless, it can be used casually even if you want to go quickly or use a card loan around.
レイクALSAのお申し込みはこちら(画像=SMBCモビット公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・最短即日※1 |
審査期間 | ・最短10秒簡易審査 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・3.0~18.0% |
無利息期間 | ・なし |
借入限度額 | ・最大800万円 |
取引手数料 | ・不要 |
借入方法 | ・振込キャッシング・提携ATM |
返済方法 | ・口座振替・提携ATM・銀行振込・インターネット返済 |
* 1 Depending on the day and time of the application, it may be handled after the next day.* Data is quoted from the SMBC Mobit official website
SMBC Mobit is characterized by a provisional examination at the time of application.If you contact us by phone after applying for the web, you can receive a preliminary examination.In order to obtain information in advance in the provisional examination, the time from the judging to the loan is short, and the money is transferred to the account in a minimum of about 3 minutes ( *).It takes a little time, but it is a nice advantage that the time to lend is quite shorter than other card loan companies.
It is also characteristic that there are many affiliated ATMs and the service at ATMs is substantial.Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation ATM is free of charge.If you are a Seven Bank ATM, you can make a 24 -hour deposit and withdrawal with an app downloaded to your smartphone, so you can borrow and repay it more easily.
T -points accumulate with repayment are benefits that other card loan companies do not have.You can also use it for repayment for one point one yen.There is also a loan card that adds T -card function and credit card function, so it is more advantageous if you usually use T points.
SMBC Mobit has no interest -free period service, unlike other companies, but there are plenty of other services.It can be said that it is a card loan company that is compatible with those who want to get a loan immediately, T points, and those who usually use Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.
* Depending on the day and time of the application, it may be handled after the next day.
SMBCモビットのお申し込みはこちら(画像=三井住友カード公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・最短即日 |
審査期間 | ・最短即日 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・1.5~15.0% |
無利息期間 | ・キャンペーン利用で最大3ヵ月 |
借入限度額 | ・最大900万円 |
取引手数料 | ・不要 |
借入方法 | ・指定口座振込・振込キャッシング・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・みずほ銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携ATM |
返済方法 | ・口座自動引き落とし・WEB返済・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・みずほ銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携ATM |
* Data is quoted from Sumitomo Mitsui Card official website
If you use the "first transfer service", you can borrow cash before arriving at the loan card.If you use the app, you can borrow and repay on the web.
We have adopted a mechanism that can receive interest rates according to the repayment results, and the interest rate decreases year by year according to the repayment performance.0 from the year after borrowing.30 % down, up to 1.It can be reduced to 2 %.You can select the repayment date in 10 or 26 days, so you can set the repayment date according to your income.
For this reason, it can be said that it is a very convenient card loan if you want to borrow a large amount or make a long -term repayment plan.There are many ATMs that can be used for both borrowing and repayments, and it can be used easily because web and telephone support can be used.Additional repayments can be made outside of the repayment date, so you can repay with a larger amount than usual when you have enough money.
It is a card loan that goes well with those who want to repay long -term and planned, but it does not mean that you can not respond flexibly at all.If you make good use of it, you will be able to use it more than other card loans.
(画像=au PAY スマートローン公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・即日融資 |
審査期間 | ・最短30分 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・2.9~18.0% |
無利息期間 | ・なし |
借入限度額 | ・最大100万円 |
取引手数料 | ・不要 |
借入方法 | ・登録口座振込・au PAY残高チャージ・セブン銀行スマホATM |
返済方法 | ・指定口座引落・指定口座振込・セブン銀行スマホATM |
* Data is quoted from au Pay smart loan official website
AU Financial Service Co., Ltd. is a loan product that can be used if you have acquired an au ID.Because it is based on the au ID to the examination, it is easy to make mistakes in the application information input, and there are fewer new input items.Since all applications are made on the web, the screening time is short and there is no hassle.
The biggest feature of this card loan is that the borrowed money can be charged to au Pay as it is.The charged balance can be used for payment by au Pay prepaid card or au Pay.The amount of usage limit is up to 1 million yen, which is smaller than other card loans, but it is an advantage that overuse can be prevented.
The amount used can be stored as a Ponta point.Ponta points can be used in stores such as au and Lawson, so it is also recommended for those who want to use points.This card loan is recommended for those who want to use a card loan for a small shopping or who usually use au Pay / Ponta points.
However, please be careful if you want to confirm your enrollment by submitting documents because the enrollment is confirmed only.
au PAY スマートローンのお申し込みはこちら(画像=オリックス・クレジット公式サイトより引用)[Card loan features]
融資スピード(最短) | ・最短即日 |
審査期間 | ・最短60分 |
WEB完結 | ・融資まで |
金利(実質金利) | ・1.7~17.8% |
無利息期間 | - |
借入限度額 | ・最大800万円 |
取引手数料 | 不要 |
借入方法 | ・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・イオン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・三井住友銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携銀行ATM |
返済方法 | ・指定口座引き落とし・指定口座振込・セブン銀行ATM・ローソン銀行ATM・イオン銀行ATM・三菱UFJ銀行ATM・三井住友銀行ATM・ゆうちょ銀行ATM・提携銀行ATM・WEB返済 |
* Data is quoted from ORIX Credit official website
With your own service "Sokkei", you can complete the contract with a single smartphone within that day.The shortest borrowing is also possible.If you have an ORIX Bank account, you can use a card loan without opening a new account.
Both borrowing and repayment can be used by ATMs placed at convenience stores.ORIX Credit has multiple loan products, so you can select a product that matches you.Some loan products can accumulate Ponta points, which are also recommended for those who use points.For this reason, ORIX Credit can be said to be an easy -to -use card loan that answered many needs.
ORIX Credit offers a service that allows you to provide cancer security agreements for free.If you are diagnosed with cancer and fall into a state of death or a state of altitude disorder, your insurance is allocated to unpaid debt.In the unlikely event, there is no worry about repayment to the remaining people.
Apply to ORIX Credit
Characteristics of those who fall into the screening
Even a recommended card loan falls when it falls, right?Is there a characteristic of the fallen person?
The cause of the judging is different, but the common cause is that there is a problem with repayment and credit information.When contracting a card loan, check your repayment and credit information in advance.
The cause of failure in the examination is not open to the public as in the examination standard.However, it is considered that those who have failed to judge have a common feature.
In the following items, we will explain each characteristic in detail.
If it is determined that it is not repayed or low, it will not be possible to pass the examination.If it applies to the following features, it will be judged that the repayment ability is low.
Card loan companies emphasize not only a lot of income but also stability.Since you lend money on a fixed monthly repayment, no matter how high your annual income is, there is a difference in the monthly income amount, the passage will be severe.Specifically, there is a month without income.
If there is no income month, it is more likely that you will not be able to pass the screening or set a lower limit than the desired amount.When considering a card loan, be careful not only on annual income but also for the stability of income.
Even if the conditions are advantageous for the screening, if there are many other companies borrowed, it is more likely that the screening will be reduced.If it is dropped due to the large number of borrowing other companies, it may be that the following features fall.
Know the characteristics of each and why you fall into the screening.
"Repayment ratio" is the percentage of annual debt repayments for annual income.The higher the higher the repayment, the more repayments will lead to the unable to repay.
The ideal repayment ratio that can be repaid every month is generally "35 of the annual income.It is said to be around 0 %.At the time of judging, the annual income and the repayment status of other companies borrowed will be checked.The repayment ratio with the applicant's desired amount to the annual income and the borrowing status of other companies is 35.If you exceed 0 %, you may think that the chances of falling into the screening will increase.When applying for a card loan, check the percentage of the annual income of the annual income.
The total amount regulation is also involved.Since the total amount regulation is for the entire loan product used, it is highly likely that if there is a lot of borrowing, it is likely to fail.The total amount regulation is determined by one -third of the annual income and the law.If you violate the total amount regulation, there are only the following methods to clear the screening.
Among them, changing to the desired amount within the total amount regulation is the quickest and realistic method.A new loan is not available if you are already using a loan for the total amount regulations.Before applying for a new loan, make sure that the desired amount does not violate the total amount regulation.
The so -called bicycle operation, which keeps the borrowed money for repayment, is also a cause of failing to judge.The credit information also records the usage history of borrowing.If the card loan company confirms the usage history and the applicant can borrow money for repayment, it is expected that new loans will not be received.
If you borrow to return the money, the "principal", which is the borrowed money itself, will not decrease forever.Bicycle operation will break down someday.In order to avoid bankruptcy, if you are in a bicycle operation state, first consider repayment and debt consolidation.
If you are using multiple loans, such as when you are in a bicycle operation, consider a "summary loan".A summary loan is a product that makes it easier to pay off the loan products used by multiple loan companies.Because it is not subject to the total amount regulation, borrowing that exceeds one -third of the annual income may pass the examination.
You can reduce the burden of repayment as you can put multiple loan payments at once.However, it is important to note that if the repayment period is extended, the total repayment may increase depending on the content of the adaptive interest rate.
In addition, it is also effective to consolidate debt and organize the repayment contents.However, keep in mind that credit information will remain.In the case of "it is difficult to repay until the total amount regulation is full", "It is difficult to repay it and you will not be able to increase your income due to repayment," and so on, not only collective loans but also debt consolidation.Hands.
If information such as delinquency or unpaid remains in the credit bureau, it will be difficult to lose the screening.The fact that the delay information of card loans remains in the credit bureau is generally called a "financial black" state, and the screening is disadvantageous.
The so -called financial accident information, such as delays and unpaid, varies depending on the credit bureau and the content.Some remain up to 10 years.If you are aware of a financial accident, think that you will not be able to sign a new card loan for several years.If you remember a financial accident, it is wise to prepare money in a different way from a card loan.
Solutions for those who have failed to judge and those who are unemployed and cannot borrow money
What should I do if I failed to judge a card loan?
Card loans are not the only way to prepare money.There are other ways.If you fall into the card loan screening, please use the method introduced in the future.
Even if you fall into a card loan screening, you can prepare money in another way.If you can't pass the examination or have anxiety factor in the screening, use the following methods:
If you are a company employee, you may be able to use the "internal loan system".The in -house loan system is a company that lends money to employees as a company welfare system.Lending conditions are different for each company, but conditions such as ceremonial occasions and hospitalization tend to be limited.
Basically, it is a system that can only be used by regular employees, but if it is rarely applied to the conditions, it can be used by non -regular employment such as part -time jobs.If you are working in a company, first check if the in -house loan system can be used.
Some credit cards have a "cashing frame"."Cashing frame" is a different usage frame from the "shopping slot" that can be used for shopping, and can be borrowed using a credit card.If the amount in the usage frame is, you can borrow cash with a credit card.
The cashing slot can be used immediately from the ATM affiliated with credit cards.In addition, the screening is unnecessary because it is done when you apply for a credit card.However, as with card loans, interest is generated, and the total amount of shopping slots must be paid in the payment month.If you use a credit card cashing frame, be careful of the payment amount.
If a card loan is not available, the pawn shop is also effective.The pawn shop keeps items such as precious metals and leather products and lends money that matches the goods.There is no need to judge because the goods are collateral.
If you pay off the money by the fixed deadline, you can get it back.However, the amount that can be borrowed differs depending on the value of the deposited item, so it may be difficult to prepare the required amount depending on the value and condition of the goods.Note that the value of the item can be borrowed as it is.
It is also a good way to sell unnecessary items in the house.If you consider not only recycling shops, but also flea market apps and internet auctions, you can sell many things.For example, the following items are often sold at the recycle shop flea market app Net auctions.
It's all common in all houses, but if you don't have a certain amount of money, you can prepare a lot of money.It can also be disposed of unnecessary items, so it is also useful for organizing the house.It is also an advantage of selling unnecessary items that you can do it in parallel with the method of borrowing money at a pawn shop described earlier.
"Microfinance" is a service for those who are in trouble without money.Originally, it was started to save the poor in developing countries, but now the services that can be used in Japan are now spread.
Banks and credit research institutions, mainly financial institutions, operate microfinance services.Lending money is not for the purpose but for the purpose of independence of the poor, so the amount available is tens of to several hundred thousand yen.While lending money, we provide an opportunity to work and educate to encourage independence.
Microfinance has different conditions for each financial institution that provides services.The following is the condition of "Gramin Japan", which actually operates microfinance.
Looking at the conditions, you can see that "Gramin Japan" microfinance is a service to support those who are aiming for employment.In this way, the conditions of microfinance are different, so if you are considering using microfinance, start by examining the conditions.
In addition, you may want to consult with the "Living Support Fund".The "Life Support Fund" is a general incorporated association that is operated to rescue those who are suffering from debt.You can talk not only about the minimum funding loan, such as living expenses, but also about debt consolidation and rebuilding your life.
The “Life Support Fund” is provided and operated by union members of the “Individual Revitalization Fund Anonymous Association II”, which are participating in the individual rehabilitation fund.
The amount of money you can borrow at the Life Support Fund will vary depending on the consultation content.However, we basically do not overload over one -third of the annual income.The interest rate is not limited to the amount, 12.Keep in mind that it is fixed to 5 %, so depending on the amount you can get, you may pay higher interest than a card loan.
Unlike card loans, the repayment period is determined.The repayment period must be paid off between 1 to 120 months (10 years).When using the Living Support Fund, use it after understanding that there is an interest rate and repayment period.
The Living Support Fund has been supported by the help of union members and repayments, so those who disturb the support for support cannot be supported.Therefore, the terms of use are determined.
First of all, the minimum requirements are that there is a state where money cannot be borrowed from the country and financial institutions, and that there is a will to rebuild the status quo.Be sure to know your condition accurately, as it may be strongly confirmed whether welfare protection and financing from the country are really unavailable.
Some of the loans and support are publicly provided by the government.If you are facing a problem that is difficult for yourself, such as illness or injury, consider public loans and support.The following support is famous among public support.Remember for an emergency.
The "Life Welfare Funding System" is a public loan that can be used by households that meet specific conditions.Households that meet the following conditions can be used.
These conditions are provided because they are intended to rebuild their needs due to unemployment and decrease in sales.It is one of the safety nets, and it is possible to receive fund lending according to various situations.
[Funds available in the living welfare fund lending system]
資金の種類 | 資金の目的 |
総合支援資金 | ・生活の再建・住宅の契約に必要な費用 |
福祉資金 | ・病気療養やその生活に必要な経費・住宅の増改築や補修にかかる経費・福祉用具や介護・障害者サービスを得るための経費 |
教育支援資金 | ・低所得者世帯の子供が入学・就学するために必要な経費 |
不動産担保型生活資金 | ・低所得者の高齢者世帯に対し、一定の居住用不動産を担保として生活資金を貸し付ける資金 |
If you are raising children alone for divorce or bereavement, you can use the "Mother and Child and Dominary Welfare Welfare Fund Lending".As the "loan" says, it is necessary to repay to borrow money from the country.However, if the conditions are applied, it is possible to borrow at low interest or low interest rates.
Mother and child, father and son, widow welfare fund loan, can provide detailed explanations at welfare offices in prefectures and municipalities where they live.If you suddenly need money while raising your child alone, or if you are in trouble with your life, start by consulting a welfare office.
"Emergency small funding" is one of the living welfare fund lending systems.
Low -income households, which are difficult to borrow from financial institutions, and households with disabilities, and the elderly, can use uneven and low -interest loans due to the "living welfare funding system".
The limit is determined to be up to 100,000 yen, but it is a system that can be used by anyone if the conditions are met.Emergency small funds can be received at the Social Welfare Council in prefectures and municipalities where they live.
However, it takes several weeks to pay because it is a system with many applicants.If you need money right away, contact a place where you can consult about welfare as soon as possible.
If your spouse's consent is obtained, you can use the "spouse loan system".The spouse lending system is a system that allows you to get a loan using your spouse's income.Even if you do not have income, you can get a loan if your spouse has a stable income.Even if you do not pass the card loan screening yourself, if you can prepare the following documents, you may be able to pass the screening.
The spouse loan system will judge the spouse's information.Even your spouse should not use the information of the person without consent.Be sure to use the system with your spouse's consent.
Some card loan companies do not use the spouse lending system.This is because the card loan company decides to apply the spouse lending system.If you want to use the spouse loan system, find out if the card loan company you are considering is adapting to the system.
If you are receiving a pension, you can use the "pension guarantee lending system" that allows you to receive loans with pensions as collateral.The conditions for receiving the pension collateral lending system are receiving the following pensions and presenting their pension certificates.
Source: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Information on Pension Rental System"
The Money Lending Business Law does not basically be allowed to make a loan with pensions as collateral.However, the pension collateral lending system is a system that is recognized by the law that receiving a loan with pension receipt rights.Due to the recognition of the law, various conditions are provided in the pension guarantee lending system.
One of them is the content of the loan.Loans are only available in the following contents.
When receiving a loan, you must submit specific usage and quotes for spending to prove the amount of money you need for the loan.The loan amount is also stipulated, and all of the following conditions are satisfied.
There are quite a few conditions, but the loan interest rate is 2.8 % is quite low compared to card loans.If you can't use a card loan in a pension life, consider using the pension secured loan system.
Some life insurance have a system that lends a part of the "cancellation refund" that can be obtained when canceling life insurance.This system is called the "contractor lending system".
Since the refund is made up of the insurance premium paid by the contractor, the insurance company does not hurt even if borrowed.Therefore, you can borrow at a low interest rate.You can claim money just by performing the borrowing procedure.
The point is that you need to repay before you receive the insurance money.If the money you borrowed when receiving the insurance money was not repaid, the borrowed amount will be deducted from the amount paid.
In addition, if the amount borrowed and the amount of interest exceeds the amount of the cancellation refund, the insurance itself will expire.Be careful not to borrow a large amount because you can borrow at low interest rates.The insurance that can use the contractor lending system includes the following:
If you want to find out if you can use the policyholder lending with your insurance, contact the insurance company.
At Japan Post Bank, there is a "savings collateral automatic loan".This is a product that automatically lends the shortfall when money is withdrawn beyond the balance of the normal savings.If you add this function to the monthly debit account, it will be less likely to forget to make a deposit.Savings secured automatic lending guarantee the following savings products.
Source: Japan Post Bank "Saving Savings Automatic Lending"
Up to 3 million yen, 90 deposits.You can borrow up to 0 %.The interest rate is low in the loan period for two years.It is convenient, but be aware that borrowing is still the same.
Even if you want to borrow money without screening, you should never do it
I heard that there is a company that can borrow money without screening, is that true?Is it okay to borrow money?
It is illegal traders such as "Yami Kim" who can borrow money without screening.Never use it!There are also illegal things besides yami money.Remember.
Being able to borrow money without screening is a crime act and money exchanges that cause trouble.Remember how to avoid it when borrowing money.
The company that advertises that "no screening" and "the screening is sweet" is a so -called "Yamikin", a so -called "Yami Kim".Please do not borrow money from financiers who operate without observing the Money Lending Business Law.Yami gold has the following characteristics, so you should never use it if you have any questions.
The best way to check a safe contractor before receiving a loan is to check your money lending business registration number.You can check the money lending business registration number on the Financial Services Agency's website.
If you find it a little suspicious, make sure you're a safe trader on the Financial Services Agency's website.
The tricks of Yami gold are really different.The tricks are always updated and many are damaged.Representative tricks include:
Of course, you don't borrow money from the suspicious place, but some of the tricks ask people who are not in trouble with money to pay for repayment and interest.If you find it a little strange, consult the police immediately.
When you hear it, you have a strong image of threats and illegal collection, but recently, "Soft Yami Money", which is approaching those who are in trouble with money, are rampant.Even if your attitude is polite, what you are doing is the same as the conventional yami gold.Even if your attitude is gentle, if you encounter a vendor that meets the conditions of Yami Kin, consult the police immediately.
Soft yami gold targets those who apply to the following features.If you know it, be alert.
"Cashing a credit card" is a method of selling products purchased by card payment and getting cash.Although it is not clearly designated as a violation of the law, many card companies have specified as banned.If the card company is known to the card company, the use of the card may be suspended.
It is important to note that some illegal companies recommend cashing credit cards.It is a way to use a high price from a credit card cashing company to purchase a high price and recommend receiving cash back from the trader as a privilege.If you are deceived by such a company, you will not be able to stop using your card.Don't cash your credit card.
Let's press the points that pass the card loan screening
There is always a card loan screening.Although the criteria for the examination are not published, it is considered that it will be judged based on various attributes and credit information.
Just because you hold down the points introduced this time do not necessarily pass the screening.But take measures to increase the possibility of passing a little.
関連記事 |
・「お金がない」というピンチを乗り切るための7つのポイント・【プロミスとSMBCモビット】2社のカードローンサービスを比較・解説・プロミスを利用するメリットは?口コミや評判からその特徴を徹底解説・少額融資を受けるにはどうすればいい?おすすめのアプリやサービスを解説・消費者金融でお金を借りるには?おすすめのサービスと特徴も解説 |