It's getting cold, isn't it? Add a screen and roof to your scooter to make it more comfortable
It wasn't until recently that the bike was able to cut through the wind and ride comfortably. It's suddenly getting cold these days, and the cold wind seeps into my body. It is said that there will be a lot of demand from scooter users in the coming season for Tory Techno windshields and roof kits. The company develops original screens and roofs for scooters.
"A newspaper delivery bike doesn't have a screen, right? If it had a screen, you wouldn't be able to take out the newspapers in the front basket while sitting on the seat. Our screen covers the basket as well, so it's a good countermeasure against the cold." and practicality at the same time,” says Masaki Toriumi, the representative.
The drop in body temperature due to running wind is considerable. When the outside temperature is 0 degrees, if you run at 30 km / h, the sensible temperature will be minus 12 degrees. Just by blocking the wind, you'll feel much more comfortable.
"When I traveled to Thailand, there were a lot of motorcycles on the road, but they were still there even when it rained. That's why I came up with this retrofit roof." I felt the need in a country where Japanese manufacturer's motorcycles are running more than Japan.
The company's window shields are not only 3D shaped, but also wide enough. Looking at the wind entrainment in the simulation, it was found that there were more wind entrainment from the sides than from the rear, so visors were added on both sides to greatly improve comfort.
By adding the optional visor, the width of the roof is wide enough, and it seems to protect the rain to a considerable extent.
"If you leave a gap between the screen and the roof, the air will be sucked out of it, but the raindrops will get in." It seems necessary to adjust considering wind entrainment and rain intrusion. Anyway, there seems to be no doubt that just wearing it will overcome the rain and wind and increase comfort.