By, smartwatches 17/02/2023

How to create a password Introducing "passwords to avoid" that can be cracked in 1 second

  1. What is a password?
  2. Why should security be enhanced?
  3. What passwords are commonly used in Japan?
  4. Security is important How to create a strong password
  5. Multi-factor authentication for extra security

What is a password?

Why you should be more secure

What passwords are commonly used in Japan

password (less than 1 second) 123456 (less than 1 second) 123456789 (less than 1 second) 12345678 (less than 1 second) 1qaz2wsx (less than 1 second) member (2 minutes) asdfghjk (less than 1 second) 12345 (less than 1 second) password1 (less than 1 second) 1234567890 (less than 1 second) asdfghjkl (less than 1 second) asdf1234 (less than 1 second) qwertyuiop (less than 1 second) qwerty (1 less than 1 second) sakura (less than 1 second) 1q2w3e4r (less than 1 second) qwer1234 (less than 1 second) abcd1234 (less than 1 second) zaq12wsx (less than 1 second) qwertyui (less than 1 second) takahiro (3 hours) 1234567 (less than 1 second) 987654321 (less than 1 second) zxcvbnm (less than 1 second) fujitvpass (3 hours) baseball (less than 1 second) 1234qwer (less than 1 second) doraemon (3 hours) 12341234 (less than 1 second) qazwsxedc (less than 1 second) masahiro (3 hours ) qazwsx (less than 1 second) 1qazxsw2 (less than 1 second) himawari (3 hours) nekoneko (2 minutes) hiroyuki (3 hours) kuroneko (3 hours) lovelove (less than 1 second) abc123 (less than 1 second) iloveyou (less than 1 second ) 112233 (less than 1 second) asdfasdf (less than 1 second) takayuki (3 hours) 11223344 (less than 1 second) 88888888 (less than 1 second) nikoniko (2 minutes) yamamoto (3 hours) yuantuo (17 minutes) nakamura (3 hours) isme (1 second)

How to create a strong password

Multi-factor authentication for even more security

How to create a password, cracked in 1 second Introducing