By, smartwatches 13/10/2022

If you let the child and the child use "the best -selling notebook PC", it will be more versatile than expected and you will not be able to release it.

Special» 2021年12月22日 13時30分 公開

Even if I usually use only desktop PCs, I tried to review NEC's .


 A special edition of an irregular column by virtual YouTuber, Masenary and Child.This time, we reviewed the latest work of NEC's “the best -selling notebook PC” ( *) and of NEC Personal Computer (hereinafter NEC).Well, the proper introduction is Nakako (Tomoko's boss).

* 2021 1-11 BCN investigation

Virtual YouTuber (cyborg).Active in April 2018 to increase the number of fans and producers of Akiwa Ikebukuro of "Idol Master Cinderella Girls" and vote.It is said that the previous life was editing a plastic model magazine, but it is not clear.Currently, he sells his own goods and is a writer.We are looking for work.

That's why this is the subject of Fall / Winter 2021.The PC is also a fall / winter model this year!I will do it.It looks like clothes.


The texture of the surface is not very smooth or rough, and a moist and smooth type.There is no "cold", and it can be said that it is just the right texture overall.


Monitor 15.6 type wide display!It can be used quite spaciously.Furthermore, in the upper model N1585/CAL, etc., the narrow frame full HD IPS LCD is adopted, so the frame is not noticeable in addition.

I don't know what kind of monitor it is even if I say such a high net literacy.Lend me.


Ah!This is certainly good!Big!Mounted good!Thank you very much for being wide!

Make a useful appeal for work.

This product is called a lift -up hinge, and when it is expanded, the display surface is in contact with the ground, so the keyboard is lifted a little, making it easy to typing.Is it easy to hit?


Why are you familiar with such product specifications?

Because net literacy is high.


In addition, the key is a shape with a hollow on the top of the "Sirindrocal shape".

Certainly the finger fits well and it is easy to type!I am grateful for this type of comfort because I write letters, articles, novels, and comics plots.I'm writing this manuscript realistically, but it's very comfortable.

And the typing sound is quiet because it's a silent design keyboard?That's good.

Indeed.Ah!And then!There is a numeric keypad!There is a numeric keypad!!



I'm glad that there is a numeric keypad!When writing an invoice or putting books.If you use a numeric keypad, you can hit it in half -width without questions even when inputting Japanese!Isn't it quite unusual to have a numeric keypad from the beginning on a laptop?This guy is happy.

I see ... it sounds like a niche demand, but it's a nice story.

This product is popular as an all -in -one machine that can do anything with this one.Everything is in.There is also Microsoft Office.In fact, in the BCN ranking, we have won the notebook PC section (according to BCN in January to November 2021).


Above all, the BCN ranking ...Is it the strongest resemara ranking?

This is the sales ranking of home appliances and PCs announced by BCN Co., Ltd.This ranking is not a word of mouth from the store staff or the operator, but is purely made of POS cash register sales data.

eh…….Does that mean that this year is the most sold notebook PC this year?

That's it.

It's a king.The only thing that sells is that there are many humanity who thinks that this is fine.Where is the decisive factor?What does it mean to enter everything?

Hun ... Look at the sides.

side……? Ah!Here!This is!?


A hole!There are so many holes to insert the terminals!

Headphones / microphone terminals and USB3.0 USB3 as well as terminals.1 Type-C terminal, HDMI output terminal, wired LAN cable terminal!

If it's just empty, it will insert it without meaning.

There is also a disc drive on the other side!

Oh!This is also amazing!It's surprisingly disturbing if you buy an external disk drive and connect it.

has a variety of specifications according to the budget, but the entry model N1565/CA series is equipped with a DVD super multi -model.In addition, the rich specifications N1585/CAL models are equipped with a Blu -ray disc drive for BDXL ™.It's useful not only for watching music and videos, but also for backup.


It's convenient to buy it, get out of the box, and watch the DVD as it is ...

There is no Blu -ray drive on my desktop PC, and it is troublesome to see it on PS4, so I am glad that I can easily see the anime Blu -ray that is just buying and loading and increasing infinitely.

The usage is biased ~~.

Also, the storage uses SSD (PCIE), and the starting is fast, and the startup is fast.

Start at high speed in a few seconds from the power on!This guy is fast!

The NEC PC's has only the latest models and the CPU is highly performance.Especially the N1585/Cal I used this time is equipped with AMD Ryzen ™ 7 5800U mobile processors.It is high -speed and power saving.

that!I don't know the performance of the CPU.Even if it is said in numerical values.What is Hertz?I still feel 2045.

If you don't know, it's okay to actually use it and check it out.It's rented out for that.

That's right.Then, actually edit the video and check it out.The PC I'm using now is also a new CPU, but especially when the Vtuber appears, the operation will be cool even during editing.CPU screams.


Encoding also takes time ...But can you compete with this video like ?I don't know the CPU, but the memory is 16GB?My desktop PC is 32GB, right?I think this will fit in a laptop PC, "I can't do anything."

It's okay to transfer the data.

Yes yes ...Well!?It moves quite a bit!?

静止画なので伝わりづらいかもしれないがかなりスラスラと編集できる! ガクガクしない! どうして? CPUのおかげですね

I haven't used up the memory ...And the encoding is rather faster!?


This is the power of the AMD Ryzen ™ 7 5800U Mobile processor.

Eh! Wait a second…….Movie editing is rather fast ... If you go as a VTuber, it's better to use this person than our PC!Eh!Yeah!I want this!It takes a lot of time to edit a video.If you work a little faster, you want to use it and do it comfortably!

Yeah ... so everyone is buying .

Huh, no way ...Yes, Speaking of VTuber activities, why not try video distribution?

USBで繋げるキャプチャーボード「AVerMedia Live Gamer EXTREME 2 GC551」を繋いでPS4でのゲーム配信を試みるアバターの表示は3teneFREEを使用OBS studioで配信してみた

Uo!You can do it without any problems!Well ... maybe ...

No, honestly, when I first got this story, I was thinking more different.I have a desktop PC that has just been newly made last year.I wonder if it looks like a submachine.And when I work now, I use tablets in addition to desktop PCs.I feel like that.

How did you use it?

I really thought it would be just this.Tablets are easy and convenient, but the windows are open and multitasked, or the environment is like an extension of a smartphone in the first place, so the neck is like a PC.Simply video editing software and image editing software can't use the same guy.For example, when working at a family restaurant, even if you think, "Oh, I want to use Photoshop now", if I can only use the iOS version, "Well, then it's okay ..."


But, of course, is a Windows environment.Windows11.So it can be used completely as a desktop PC and you can do it if you want to move.Well, in fact, I can't let go of the tablet because I use it for painting, but it might be nice to move my PC to this child.I wonder if I can eat with this child.

I'm saying something like I'm going to completely shift in the environment, but I will return when I finish work.

Yeah ... Yado!!!!!Use it!!!!Next year I will work with this guy and make money!!!!I work smartly in a refreshing environment!!!!

What are you talking about!You would say that you borrowed!Return it!The virtue is low!!!!

Yado!!Because if you transfer your work environment for this child, you'll get rid of the room!

NEC PCの<LAVIE N15>さえあればこのデスクトップPC中心に発生してるサイバーパンク空間も絶対にめちゃめちゃ片付くはずなんや……!!机の上だっていまはこんなにゴチャっとしてるけど……<LAVIE N15>くんがいればこうできるじゃんッッッ

Look!The PC environment of my home!I'm really eating a place!It's scattered!I want to make it refreshing by moving this to !Moreover, it is hard to wash it because it is a flow line to this space window!

Do you know!You're just not good at cleaning up!It has nothing to do with desktops or notes!I affirm!Even if you move to the , you can get cables and something!

Noisy noisy noisy!At least the desktop "box" bun will increase the volume of the room!I will definitely work with this guy!


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Provided: NEC Personal Computer Co., Ltd. Itomedia Sales Planning / Production: Netorabo Editorial Department / Publication Enforcement: December 29, 2021