I want to make it easier with Windows 11 operating tools!How to use the genuine app "Power Automate Desktop"
What is Power Automate Desktop?
Power Automate Desktop is an RPA (ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION) solution that allows a robot to perform operations that are usually performed on a PC.
For example, as an example of a common task, let's assume repeated processing using Excel and apps.
- 新しい顧客情報が記載されたExcelファイルを開く
- 社内で利用している顧客管理アプリの画面を開く
- 顧客管理アプリの新規登録ボタンをクリックする
- Excel表の1行目のデータを確認し、名前列のデータを顧客管理アプリに入力する
- 同じ行の会社名列のデータを顧客管理アプリに入力する
- 次の列のデータを入力
- 次の行のデータを入力……以下、繰り返し
By letting robots do the work that repeats "posting", "aggregation", "confirmation", "conversion", "information acquisition", etc. instead of humans, to reduce work efficiency, shorten time, and to add more value.The advantage of RPA is that it can create benefits such as shifts.
At the site of the organization, there are various tasks that spilled from the net of the overall systematization budget and were sacrificed to the convenient word of "dealing with operation".This is the Power Automate Desktop that people who are in charge of such work on site can automate them and free of charge by their own hands.
As an image, it is a good idea to think of Excel macros as a tool that can be applied more easily and more easily.