By, smartwatches 08/10/2022

How to avoid recording the browsing history of Chrome in the first place: Google Chrome Complete Guide -@IT

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 "Google Chrome" (hereinafter abbreviated as Chrome) has a function called "browsing history" that records (saves) the history of the web page opened in the past.This is useful if you have the opportunity to open the previously referenced page again.

 However, if that is not necessary, the browsing history is only a gathering of private information that you never want others to leak.In that case, it is better not to be recorded from the beginning, and there is no need to delete the history each time.

 Therefore, in this article, we will introduce some methods that do not record the browsing history in the first place for the Windows OS version of Chrome.

 For information on how to manually delete the browsing history, see "Select the browsing history of Chrome that you do not want to see even if you make a mistake."

 The page opened in Chrome's "Secret Mode (Secret Window)" does not remain in the browsing history.If you don't want to record your browsing history, it's easy and easy to open a secret window and start browsing the web page from there.

Chromeの閲覧履歴をそもそも記録しないようにする方法:Google Chrome完全ガイド - @IT

 To call a secret mode, press [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [N] key or click the menu icon in the upper right corner of Chrome to select [New Secret Window] in the menu displayed.


 Even in "Guest Mode (Guest Window)", which is more privacy protection than secret mode, you can browse the web page without leaving a browsing history.To open a guest window, click the profile icon and select a guest in the menu displayed.


 However, both modes are limited to functions compared to normal mode (window).For example, if you open a website that requires authentication in a secret window / guest window, the login status will not be saved.In other words, you need to log in each time you open the secret window / guest window.

 There is a method that does not leave a browsing history in normal mode (window) without function restrictions such as secret mode or guest mode.However, it is not easy to set on the Chrome setting page (Chrome: // Settings), and the setting of "policy" or "registry" is required.

 For editions other than Home, such as Windows 10 Pro / Enterprise, you can set Chrome in "Group Policy".Since it is easier and secure than the registry setting described later, please execute this method if possible (Home edition has only a registry setting described later).

 To change the settings of Chrome with a group policy, you must first obtain a "policy ten plate" for Chrome from the following sites.

 Click the "Policy Template" link in the middle of the above page and "Policy_templates.After downloading Zip ", copy the file in it to the target Windows PC as follows.

コピー元ファイル(ZIPファイル内)コピー先フォルダ(Windows PC)

 The above work should be performed only once.For details on the procedure, see Google Chrome Complete Guide, "Prohibit the Affairs Changes on Shared PCs with Police Ten Plate".

 Once the above file copy is completed, set it with a tool called "Group Policy Editor".

  1. 対象のWindows PCで[Windows]+[R]キーを押して[ファイル名を指定して実行]ダイアログを開き、「gpedit.msc」と入力して実行します
  2. グループポリシーエディターが起動するので、左ペインで[ユーザーの構成]−[管理用テンプレート]−[Google]−[Google Chrome]を選択します
  3. 右ペインで[ブラウザの履歴の保存を無効にする]をダブルクリックします。[設定]列の見出しをクリックしてソートし、「ブ」から始まる項目を探すと見つけやすくなります
  4. 表示されたダイアログで[有効]を選択後、[OK]ボタンをクリックします

 The above settings are reflected only in the Chrome that starts in the sign -in to the Windows OS.If you want to reflect it in all users, select [Management Template] - [Google] - [Google Chrome], which is below [User configuration] in the left pane of the group policy editor.。

続きを閲覧するには、ブラウザの JavaScript の設定を有効にする必要があります。

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