By, smartwatches 20/03/2023

5 recommended high -end keyboards.There is a reason why it is expensive.Reduce stress and improve the efficiency of input work!

When doing desk work on a PC, most of the time is the keyboard.If the keyboard is poor, such as poor reaction, poor array, no feeling of pressing, rattling, it can accumulate petit stress.Now that remote work is still going on, why not try to improve work efficiency by changing to a reputable luxury keyboard?

The important thing on the keyboard is to work as intended, such as not causing chattering (a phenomenon such as the character of the key pressed just before).I want to avoid it because I was going to press it but it was not entered.If you are inputting for a long time, choose something that responds well with light force.If you can enter with a light force, it will also contribute to high -speed typing.

It will be one of the selection points whether the array of the part other than the character key specified by the standard is your preference.For example, if you use a Mac in your private life and Windows at work, you may feel that it is more convenient to be able to switch alphanumeric (direct input) and Japanese input on both sides of the space key.Some of the luxury keyboards can be customized by changing the key mounting and customizing it.

[Amazon] Luxury keyboard [Rakuten Ichiba] Luxury keyboard

HHKB Professional HYBRID TYPE-S Japanese Arrangement / White

"Horse saddle" that can be used for high -speed typing even with a minimum configuration

HHKB Professional HYBRID TYPE-S Japanese Arrangement / Whiteは、高級キーボードの代表格ともいえるHHKB(Happy Hacking Keyboard)の有線/無線のハイブリッドタイプのモデルです。

Due to the non -contacting capacity, it is difficult to generate chattering and high -speed input is possible.You can input with a light force, but because the stroke is deep, you can feel the key feeling firmly and prevent input mistakes."S" of "Type-S" is an acronym for "Silent".Unlike the mechanical keyboard, it is excellent in quietness.

The biggest feature of HHKB is that it is a lean key layout.You can use a variety of functions with a shortcut using a combination key control of "Control" and "FN" key.On the back, there is a DIP switch to change the allocation of the control key.With Windows, you can easily change the key map with a dedicated software.Moreover, since the settings are stored on the keyboard body, it is possible to manipulate Mac with an easy -to -use array (in the case of Bluetooth connection, macOS 10..Compatible with 15 or later).You can register up to 4 connections with Bluetooth, and you can manipulate multiple devices.

The selling price on Amazon is about 35,000 yen.

【Amazon】HHKB Professional HYBRID TYPE-S Japanese Arrangement / White 【楽天市場】HHKB Professional HYBRID TYPE-S Japanese Arrangement / White

Realforce R3 Keyboard / R3HC11

Customizability that can be selected to the depth of the keystroke

Realforce R3 Keyboard / R3HC11は、有線/無線のハイブリッド接続が可能な静電容量無接点方式のキーボードです。スイッチの寿命は5000万回以上。毎日、すべてのキーを1万回打っても約13.In the calculation that will not be broken after seven years, the key to be input will actually be distributed, so you will be able to continue using it for almost a lifetime.

0 of the key on.8, 1.5, 2.Includes APC function to adjust to 4 steps of 2 or 3mm.You can replace the key map with a dedicated software.You can customize it to your liking.Compatible with Windows 10 / MacOS 10.15 / iOS 14.0 / Android 10.Bluetooth 4 after 0.A terminal that supports 0 or later.USB connection is only Windows and Mac.I remember up to 4 Bluetooth connection.You can easily switch multiple devices.

どこまでも自分仕様にできる喜びがRealforce R3 Keyboard / R3HC11にはあります。電源はどこでも入手可能な単三形乾電池2本。アルカリ乾電池なら、約3カ月使用できます。

The selling price on Amazon is about 35,000 yen.

【Amazon】Realforce R3 Keyboard / R3HC11 【楽天市場】Realforce R3 Keyboard / R3HC11

Microsoft Surface Ergonomic Wireless Keyboard (Japanese key layout)


The burden on the wrist is reduced, the posture is corrected, and the efficiency is improved

キーボード操作で、手首への負担が気になる、という人にオススメしたいのが、Microsoft Surface Ergonomic Wireless Keyboard (Japanese key layout)。手首を台の上に載せたとき、手のひらは真下を向くのではなく、若干、互いに向き合うような形になります。その自然な稜線をデザインに取り入れたのがこの製品です。

Ergonomic design is not only its three -dimensional effect.By dividing the key in charge of the right hand and the key in which the left hand handles from the center and placing it diagonally, the wrist can be input in a natural direction.This reduces the burden that was not only known to the wrist but also on the shoulders and waist.Makes typing more accurate and enhanced work efficiency.The place where the wrist hits is equipped with a high cushioning palm rest, reducing fatigue.

Connect to PC is Bluetooth.Compatible OS is Windows 8 / Mac OS 10.10.5 / Android 4.2 / iOS 8 or later.It is driven by two AA batteries and can be used for up to 12 months.The selling price on Amazon is about 18,000 yen (used goods).

【Amazon】Microsoft Surface Ergonomic Wireless Keyboard (Japanese key layout) 【楽天市場】Microsoft Surface Ergonomic Wireless Keyboard (Japanese key layout)

Archiss Quattro TKL

Equipped with a electrostatic capacity pointing stick

Archiss Quattro TKLは、有線接続のメカニカルキーボードです。

最大の特徴は、Equipped with a electrostatic capacity pointing stickしていること。キー操作の途中で、マウス操作をしたくなったときでも、キーから手を離す必要がありません。左右のマウスボタンは、デフォルトでスペースキーの両脇に割り当てられていますし、Fnキーを押しながらポインティングスティックを動かせば、垂直スクロールも行なえます。

A DIP switch is mounted on the back.You can switch and limit key input.The switch is a Cherry MX switch.You can choose from the brown axis, blue axis, red axis, and silent red axis, so you can match your input style.The keytop print is a sublimation printing.Since the ink penetrates the key cap, it does not wear for a long time.The corresponding OS is Windows 10.

The selling price on Amazon is about 18,000 yen.

【Amazon】Archiss Quattro TKL 【楽天市場】Archiss Quattro TKL

Magic Keyboard with Apple Touch ID

If you use a Mac, choose this!?

Magic Keyboard with Apple Touch IDは、Macに特化したキーボードです。テンキー搭載で、数字を多く扱う人にもピッタリ。Apple純正のため、Macと自動的にペアリングされ、手間がかかりません。

The connection is Bluetooth, but it is possible to charge and pair the keyboard at once with the included cable.The built -in battery can be used up to about one month in full charging.Because there is a numeric key, width 41.It is as large as 87cm, but even the thickest part is 1.09cm and super slim.If you do not use it, you can store it without taking up space.

Touch IDを搭載しているので、Macへのログインはもちろん、支払いも素早く行なえます。The selling price on Amazon is about 18,000 yen.

【Amazon】Magic Keyboard with Apple Touch ID 【楽天市場】Magic Keyboard with Apple Touch ID

The products in the article are recommended by the Japanese version of the ENGADGET.The sales information is at the time of writing, and the price and stock status is constantly changing.