"Code Avengers", a computer science learning material that allows you to learn concepts such as two progress and algorithms
Which is used?Programming education tool
Comprehensive learning course for computer science
You need to enter from a free trial and register as a member
There are multiple courses in three genres.At this time, challenge courses other than "demonstration"
The content of learning concepts such as binary methods and algorithms
List of lessons of "Data Represents (data expression) 2: Museum of Museum".Learning screen of "binary switch" that remains on the history
"Computational Thinking (Computer Thinking) 2: Creative Fiter Animal Garden" has lessons such as "What is algorithm", "Create a sequence algorithm", and "abstract".You may think that it seems to be difficult ... but you don't feel uneasy because you have a set of brushed conversation style, explanations and simple activities.
導入や説明の会話の音声は英語のままで吹き出しは日本語。漢字にはふりがながていねいにふられている「Computational Thinking(コンピューター思考)2:クリエーチャーフィチャーどうぶつ園」の中の「シーケンスのアルゴリズム作成」の学習画面Programming is a block -type visual programming method
The teaching material "Programming 2: Prepare for safety" is a block -type visual programming method.In line with the story, we will create something that can be written and responded to clicks by programming.At first, use a block with only pictures in the block in the block.As the lesson progresses and the number of program elements increases, blocks only for letters are mixed.
絵だけのブロックと文字表記のブロックの両方を使うLess type of teaching materials in Japan