By, smartwatches 18/06/2022

Avengers's popular character ranking announcement! How many are that member?| Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

Who is your favorite Avengers series?

Q. Do you know the Avengers series?

"Yes" (64.8%) "No" (35.2%)


1st place "Tony Stark: Iron Man" (26.7%) 2nd place "Peter Parker: Spider -Man" (21.1%) 3rd place "Steve Rogers: Captain America" (7.2%)(4.8%) 5th place "Scott Lang: Antman" (4.3%) 6th place "Doctor Steven Strange: Doctor Strange" (4.0%) 7th "Vision: Vision" (3.5%)・ Odinson: Saw ”(3.2%) 8th place“ Sam Wilson: Falcon ”(3.2%) 8th place“ Ti Chara: Black Panther ”(3.2%) 8th place“ Carrol Dunverse: Captain Marvel ”(3.2%)

If you look at the Avengers series, "Disney+(Disney Plus)">

1st place why I chose "Tony Stark"

・「単独の映画(アイアンマンシリーズ)が好きなので」(48歳男性/セキュリティ/その他・専業主婦等)・「ロバート・ダウニーJr.が好きだから」(61歳男性/フードビジネス/IT関連技術職)・「すかしてるけど、いざと言う時はやる男だから」(49歳男性/建設・土木/建築・土木関連技術職)・「見た目など、キャラクターとぴったりだから」(44歳男性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)・「アベンジャーズより、アイアンマンのシリーズでよく見たのでなじみがある」(63歳男性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)・「なんといってもロバート・ダウニーJr.の演技がすばらしく、シリーズ・ラストでは泣けてしかたなかったので」(59歳女性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)・「アイアンマン1ではストーリーの面白さや、トニー・スタークの演技のうまさが際立ってとても面白かったです」(57歳男性/海運・鉄道・空輸・陸運/IT関連技術職)・「アイアンマンから大好きで見ている。カリスマ性があって、強くて優しいヒーローのイメージを持っているから好きです」(41歳女性/建設・土木/建築・土木関連技術職)・「シリーズの中で初めて観たので特に印象に残っています。割と普通な感じに見える裕福めなおじさまが、自分で武器を開発して作って戦うという、逞しい展開に驚かされました!」(46歳女性/半導体・電子・電気機器/事務・企画・経営関連)・「やはり、特殊な能力や体を持ったヒーロー・ヒロインより、普通の生身の『おじさん』が主人公の方がちょっとしたリアリティがあって良い」(58歳男性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)・「大金持ちの天才科学者(発明家?)で、自己中心的なワガママおぼっちゃまがアイアンスーツを作り出し、正義の味方になったのも『結局道楽じゃねぇか!』って感じで、設定のめちゃくちゃぶりが、いかにもアメリカっぽくて好き」(58歳男性/医療・福祉・介護サービス/専門サービス関連)・「やはり、莫大な資産を投入して作るロボット『サイボーグ』は男の子の憧れですね。元々は兵器を作る会社ですけど、試行錯誤しながら強いアイアンマンを作る過程は楽しそうだし、面白いっ!! 莫大な資産あれば、自分もアイアンマンみたいなロボットを作りたいですね」(48歳男性/建設・土木/建築・土木関連技術職)

2nd place why I chose "Peter Parker"

・「子どものころアニメで見たことがあり、親近感がある」(62歳男性/教育/専門サービス関連)・「アメコミ時代から好きなキャラクターで、グッズも集めていたため」(41歳男性/通信関連/営業関連)・「すごく昔に見たけど、印象が強く残っている」(47歳女性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)・「やっぱり世代的にスパイダーマンが一番ワクワクするので」(49歳男性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)・「スパイダーマンになったいきさつが面白い。アクションが派手で格好いい」(50歳女性/流通・チェーンストア/販売・サービス関連)・「特殊な能力を除けば、日常は本当に普通なので」(50歳男性/専門店/販売・サービス関連)・「普段は平凡で、どちらかというと非力な方に見える学生が、実はスパイダーマン! アクションシーンもワクワクします」(52歳女性/専門店/販売・サービス関連)・「ヒーローのわりに精神的に弱かったり、情けなかったり、人間味があるから。欲をいえば、もっとイケメンな俳優さんに演じて欲しいです。ヒロインもいつも微妙なので、できればもっと美人な女優さんがいいなと思ってしまいます」(52歳女性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)・「蜘蛛の糸でビルの谷間を自由自在に飛び回り、気分が爽快になる」(58歳男性/その他/その他・専業主婦等)

Reasons for choosing "Steve Rogers" 3rd place


4th place Why chose "Blues Banner"


Fifth place Why chose "Scott Lang"

・「キャラクターが面白いから」(54歳男性/農林・水産/その他・専業主婦等)・「良い役者さんですね。役柄によくあってます」(70歳男性/セキュリティ/技能工・運輸・設備関連)・「意表をつかれ、まさかのアリ! やられた!って感じで、アベンジャーズシリーズの中でアントマンが一番好きです。その印象が強くて、アベンジャーズと言えばアントマンが頭にすぐ浮かびます」(56歳男性/繊維・アパレル/販売・サービス関連)

6th place Why did you choose "Doctor Steven Strange"


7th place Why I chose "Vision"


8th place Why chose "Saw Odinson"


8th place Why chose "Sam Wilson"


8th place Why chose "Ti Chara"


8th place Why chose "Carol Dumver"


Summary of characters in the most favorite Avengers series

The survey revealed that 64.8%of the respondents answered that they knew the Avengers series, and more than 60%of the total recognized the existence of the Avengers series.

When I heard my favorite Avengers series, it became Tony Stark, which was supported by nearly 30 %.Hereafter, 2nd place "Peter Parker" (21.1%), 3rd place "Steve Rogers" (7.2%), 4th place "Blues Banner" (4.8%), 5th place "Scott Lang" (4.3%)Continued.Following the "Favorite Work Questionnaire", Iron Man Spider -Man's top two strengths are outstanding.

Let's unravel why you chose that person.

In the first place, Tony Stark, there are a number of voices praising Robert Downey Jr., who played Tony Stark -Iron Man.Tony Stark, a genius scientist, is the owner of the huge munitions industry, and will be captured in the battlefield.He developed an Iron Man prototype in a harsh environment and succeeded in escaping.

At the same time, he questioned his own actions and reincarnated as a superhero -iron man dressed in a powered suit.Many seemed to have been empathizing with Robert Downey Jr., who suffered from drug evil.

In the second place "Peter Parker", some people said that they sympathized with Peter, who had a paranormal ability but suffering as a living high school student.Spider -Man has been a well -known character in Japan since before the Avengers series, and seems to have contributed to the ranking.

3rd place "Steve Rogers" was evaluated for some manga, comical and easy -to -understand settings.He participated in the U.S. "Super Soljar Plan" during World War II and became a superhuman, but was pickled for 70 years and regenerated in the present age.Slightly old -fashioned behavior, unwavering sense of justice, and outstanding leadership are good.

In the hero image common to the Avengers series, the most distressed Hero, the fourth place, Blues Banner.When his anger is raised, he transforms into a green monster = Hulk, regardless of his will, and continues to run out of control to anyone.The gap with the usual calm genius physicist Bruce Banner is one of the biggest attractions of this character, and many say that it sprout there.

The fifth place "Scott Lang" seems to have been evaluated for the unique character of the character and the ability of the actor played.The 6th place "Doctor Steven Strange" and the seventh place "Vision" are also highly evaluated by their unique characters.

Originally, Marvel Comic heroes were created and played in their own worldview.Despite the crossover between each work since the comics era, the worldview has been shared in earnest in the live -action movie project MCU (Avengers Series), and superheroes are co -starring/competition.

As a result, the differences between each character stand out and enjoyed each person's personality even more.In the future, we will be excited about the adventures of various heroes.

If you want to watch the movie "Avengers" series, Disney+(Disney Plus)!

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Survey Time: February 14, 2021 Survey target: My Navi News Member Survey: Total 502 men and women (male: 427, female: 75) Survey method: Internet login questionnaire

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