By, smartwatches 08/12/2022

"I don't have the value of living." Psychiatrist gently conveyed tears to the tears.

ライフ|『生きづらいがラクになる ゆるメンタル練習帳』#健康#メンタルヘルス2021/10/24 10:00PRESIDENT Online

* This article is a re -edited part of the psychiatrist "Loose Mental Practice Book" (Diamond), which is easy to live.


If there are 100 people, there are 100 ways of thinking.Everyone is not alive because they want to be good for someone, to be grateful to others, or want to be kind to others.

There are more evil people in the world than you think.There are quite a few people who are arrogant, self -centered, laughing with a fool of others, and those who are deceived are bad, and if they can easily make money, they do not bother at all even if they violate the law.。


If you are trying to see the world with your common sense, your "common sense" is completely different, but it is not strange that your concern will be trampled.

ポイント世の中には平気で他人をだまそうとする人間がいる。相手が自分と同じ価値観で生きていないことを知ろう。イラスト=『生きづらいがラクになる ゆるメンタル練習帳』より
次ページ1234関連記事「精神科医が見ればすぐにわかる」"毒親"ぶりが表れる診察室での"ある様子"「仕事やお金を失ってもやめられない」性欲の強さと関係なく発症する"セックス依存症"の怖さ「人生にアタリやハズレはない」岩井志麻子が"親ガチャ"という言葉に覚えた強い違和感ランキング #健康#メンタルヘルス#書籍抜粋